Opportunities to ServeMembership
Recruit and retain new members. Assist with new member orientation.
Public Relations
Provide information to the community about what Sertoma does, awards it presents though avariety of media.
Identify and recruit speakers for weekly club meetings and introduce speakers at club meetings.
4th of July
Provide a fun-filled event for the community of Grand Forks around the 4th of July holiday. Provide a fund raising opportunity through a raffle.
Incentives Committee
Recognize club volunteerism, submit, track and award club member awards as well as District, Regional and International Club Awards.
Sick and Visitation
Send notes/flowers, etc. to club members who are hospitalized, had surgery, loss in family, special event, etc.
Sertoma Park
Serve as a liaison between the GF Park District and the club for future development of Sertoma Park located west of Altru Hospital.
Provide social activities for club members and families throughout the year.
Special Events
Provide ideas and volunteers for special events in the community such as Potato Bowl Parade (Sept.), Sertoma Wrestling Tournament (Dec.), Sertoma Track Meet (April).
Freedom Week
Work with local 5th grade teachers for students to write an essay about “What Freedom Means to Me”, select winners and organize special luncheon in February.
Jay Seeger Service to Mankind
Identify and honor a non-Sertoman for volunteer work in the community. Organizes special luncheon in the spring to honor the recipient.
Speech and Hearing
Provide information to the community about the importance of ear protection. Work with Altru Rehab to select an individual who has made great strides recovering from a speech or hearing loss and honor through a special luncheon.
Identify and seek funding for Sertoma Club projects through granting organizations and foundations.